After weeks of intense development, I’m glad to announce that PearlCam has been ported into Indulged 3.0 with a new WinRT implementation.
Originally branded as “ProCam” and enabled only via experimental features, PearlCam is the camera module that allows manual control of your cameras on Windows Phone. This plugin opens up a wide range of possibilities for photographers, especially considering that there’re quite a few Windows Phones out there with powerful photograph features.
PearlCam has a unique user interface to ease the pain of using manual controls over a touch screen — think of how many steps a user must go though in order to set ISO or white balance on a typical camera UI. With PearCam, the same steps can be eliminated by simply dragging the dials on screen, where the values can be easily seen on both the dial itself as well as on a popup OSD. The UI has also been optimized for clarity, with big OSDs and large typefaces.
See the real world screenshot: